If your Prolog system has a forward chainer, you could use it to determine cycles. But watch out, it might eat quite some memory, since it will generate and keep the path/2
Here is how you would need to formulate the rules in a forward chainer that does not eliminate automatically duplicates. The \+
is there to explicitly eliminate the duplicates:
:- forward edge/2.
:- forward path/2.
path(X,Y) :- edge(X,Y), \+ path(X,Y).
path(X,Y) :- edge(X,Z), path(Z,Y), \+ path(X,Y).
cycle(X) :- path(X,X).
To make the example a little bit more interesting what concerns the result, I have dropped the edge(d,d)
. Here is a sample run:
?- postulate(edge(a,b)), postulate(edge(a,c)), postulate(edge(b,a)),
postulate(edge(c,d)), postulate(edge(d,e)), postulate(edge(e,f)),
postulate(edge(f,g)), postulate(edge(g,e)), cycle(X).
X = a ;
X = b ;
X = e ;
X = f ;
X = g
The postulate/1
predicate here posts an event and keeps the propagator of the forward chainer running. How to write your forward rules depends on the Prolog systems respective library you are using.
P.S.: There is still some research going on: