Auto-download of Software from
Try this url
j2se version="1.6.0_05+" href=""/>
if there are higher versions installed on the client machine the newest will used.
j2se version="1.6.0_05" href=""/>
then you will be prompt to install exactly 1.6.0_05.
when calling ?.jnlp versions 1.6.0_05 will be used.
be careful; above only works right when there's also i higher version installed then as example 1.6.0_29 runs 1.6.0_05 as a child.
In the Java Console you will see:
JavaPlug-in 1.6.0_31
Using JRE-Version 1.6.0_05 Java Hot Spot(TM) Client VM
If you really want to download a version not listed in the "The packages currently available for auto-download " then you can download the specified version 1.6.0_29 only if you have a greater version then 1.6.0_29 (maybe 1.6.0_31) as plugin enabled in the client browser. TEST install 1.6.0_31 and look if as Example: Firefox plugins 1.6.0_31 is there and enabled. Then the client will be able to automatic download and install 1.6.0_29 via *.jnlp.
Call your Application in a client browser. A warning appears : "Install a lower Version 1.6.0_29" and a "certificate warning" click yes. install 1.6.0_29 starts.
After Download the Browser restarts and the plugin 1.6.0_31 is gone!!! Therefore
the Browser redirects to the Oracle download-side there you have to install the 1.6.0_31 again. Download starts to a folder you specified . Run the file "jxpinstall.exe" that starts the update; prompt to question install again ; yes (all browser must be closed) Install starts; Look at extras, plugins and there the 1.6.0_31 plugin is back again. Now you can use your *.jnlp application with 1.6.0_29. Really much work :-)
NOTE: You will not be able to install the browser plugin again with a file like "jdk-6u31-windows-i586.exe" You must follow the steps above. You will get a file "jxpinstall.exe" that is the right one.
The auto-download feature simplifies Java Web Start deployments because it makes commonly used software readily available for use with Java Web Start. Typically, only an extra line has to be added to a JNLP file to take advantage of this feature. ...
The packages currently available for auto-download are:
Java 2 Runtime Environment 1.3.0_02 for Windows/i586, Linux/i586, and Solaris/SPARC
Java 2 Runtime Environment 1.4.2_16 for Windows/i586, Linux/i586, and Solaris/SPARC
Java Runtime Environment 1.5.0_02 for Windows/i586, Linux/i586, and Solaris/SPARC
Java Runtime Environment 1.5.0_14 for Windows/i586, Linux/i586, and Solaris/SPARC
Java Runtime Environment 1.6.0 for Windows/i586, Linux/i586, and Solaris/SPARC
Java Runtime Environment 1.6.0_04 for Windows/i586, Linux/i586, and Solaris/SPARC
Java Runtime Environment 1.6.0_05 for Windows/i586, Linux/i586, and Solaris/SPARC
available packages look here