Ok, going to answer it by myself. On SuperUser I asked similar question (focusing on answers in more theoretical way), and the main conclusion was answer that:
There is no single font that supports the whole of Unicode.
but fortunately pdf supports fall-back fonts, and prawn gem too.
here is my solution:
1/ set your fall-back fonts
kai = "#{Prawn::BASEDIR}/data/fonts/gkai00mp.ttf"
action_man_path = "#{Prawn::BASEDIR}/data/fonts/Action Man.dfont"
dejavu = "#{Prawn::BASEDIR}/data/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf"
font_families.update("dejavu" => {
:normal => dejavu,
:italic => dejavu,
:bold => dejavu,
:bold_italic => dejavu
#Times is defined in prawn
font_families.update("times" => {
:normal => "Times-Roman",
:italic => "Times-Italic",
:bold => "Times-Bold",
:bold_italic => "Times-BoldItalic"
font_families.update("action_man" => {
:normal => { :file => action_man_path, :font => "ActionMan" },
:italic => { :file => action_man_path, :font => "ActionMan-Italic" },
:bold => { :file => action_man_path, :font => "ActionMan-Bold" },
:bold_italic => { :file => action_man_path, :font => "ActionMan-BoldItalic" }
"kai" => {
:normal => { :file => kai, :font => "Kai" },
:bold => kai,
:italic => kai,
:bold_italic => kai
def fallback_fonts
["dejavu", "times", 'kai', 'action_man']
2/ call
font("Helvetica", size: 14) do #keyword "Helvetica" is specified in Prawn by default
text "址 foo", :fallback_fonts => fallback_fonts
Now, here I'm just using fonts that are included in Prawn by default, but this way you can add several fonts with different charsets and just specify them as fall-back
For example you can put your fonts somewhere in your Rails root and just include them from there
note in "Kai" font, I'm specifying same font for normal, italic, bold, bold_italic without styling. I'm doing this on purpose. From what I was experiencing gkai00mp font don't have bold chars or italic chars. So when italic/bold char get rendered it will be printed in normal style (which is better than not to render at all).
If I don't specify bold/italic font for font (exaple "Kai")..
"kai" => {
:normal => { :file => kai, :font => "Kai" }
.. and you try to render styled char that will fall-back to kai...
text "<b>址 foo</b>", :fallback_fonts => fallback_fonts, :inline_format=>true
...I'll get
Prawn::Errors::UnknownFont in Foo
is not a known font.
note 2: if you want to put non-ascii chars to ruby file you need to put encoding at top of the file
# coding: utf-8
class Foo
this however works form ruby 1.9. Ruby 1.8.x source can handle ASCII only (more on that in ruby 1.9 walkthrough by P.C.
but in Rails you should use I18n (internationalization)
note 3
Prawn has really great documentation, just git clone prawn from github and check ./manuals