I am using Python to parse a large file. What I want to do is
If condition =True
append to list A
append to list B
I want to use generator expressions for this - to save memory. I am putting in the actual code.
def is_low_qual(read):
lowqual_bp=(bq for bq in phred_quals(read) if bq < qual_threshold)
if iter_length(lowqual_bp) > num_allowed:
return True
return False
lowqual=(read for read in SeqIO.parse(r_file,"fastq") if is_low_qual(read)==True)
highqual=(read for read in SeqIO.parse(r_file,"fastq") if is_low_qual(read)==False)
def iter_length(the_gen):
return sum(1 for i in the_gen)
if is_condition_true(r)
andif not is_condition_true(r)
. – Ashcroftsequences
is an iterator (you can useitertools.tee
for that though). – Ashcroftlow
after you have created the generators? – Cassondraif x then: return True else: return False
. Writereturn x
– Stoeber