I want to test a page with a form which, when submitted, will redirect to the resulting page for the submitted item.
My Mojolicious controller contains:
sub submit_new {
my $self = shift;
my $new = $self->db->resultset('Item')->new( {
title => $self->param('title'),
description => $self->param('description'),
} );
# show the newly submitted item
my $id = $new->id;
The test script for this controller contains:
use Test::More;
use Test::Mojo;
my $t = Test::Mojo->new('MyApp');
my $tx = $t->ua->build_form_tx('/items/new/submit' => $data);
$t->tx( $t->ua->start($tx) )
My issue is that it stops with the 302
status. How do I proceed with the redirect so I can verify the resulting item page?