It's alright apart from being confusing. Besides, they are not the same:
$ date=/bin/ls
$ type date
date is hashed (/bin/date)
$ type $date
/bin/ls is /bin/ls
$ moo=foo
$ type $moo
-bash: type: foo: not found
$ function date() { true; }
$ type date
date is a function
date ()
true*emphasized text*
$ which true
$ type true
true is a shell builtin
Whenever you type a command, bash looks in three different places to find that command. The priority is as follows:
- shell builtins (help)
- shell aliases (help alias)
- shell functions (help function)
- hashed binaries files from $PATH ('leftmost' folders scanned first)
Variables are prefixed with a dollar sign, which makes them different from all of the above. To compare to your example: $date and date are not the same thing. So It's not really possible to have the same name for a variable and a function because they have different "namespaces".
You may find this somewhat confusing, but many scripts define "method variables" at the top of the file. e.g.
The common thing to do is type the variable names in capitals. This is useful for two purposes (apart from being less confusing):
- There is no $PATH
- Checking that all "dependencies" are runnable
You can't really check like this:
if [ "`which binary`" ]; then echo it\'s ok to continue.. ;fi
Because which will give you an error if binary has not yet been hashed (found in a path folder).
a=1; b() { printf 2; }; c=$(( a + $( b; ) )); declare -p a c;
– Caffrey