operator exists in relational algebra even if it might not be present in most of the Query Languages.
Selecting names and marks of students of medicine from University 1 with marks above 80
Name Biology
A 82
B 88
C 90
Selecting names and grades of students of technology from University 2 with grade b or above
Name Computer Science
F a
G a+
H b
Say this part was done internally and now we need to see the final list of students and their qualifications who can apply for my course in say Bio-informatics. An outer union will be helpful.
Table 1 OUTER UNION Table 2
Name Marks Grade
A 82
B 88
C 90
F a
G a+
H b
A normal UNION
cannot do this since the attribute Marks and Grade have different domains (one takes numeric values and another has character grades). However a representation like this might prove helpful in many occasions.
. Is something similar for outer union already there? – Liquidate