I'd like to know how to get a DIN (Driver Identification Number) from a smartcard. The card is a driver card, used to store tachograph data.
I can already communicate with the smartcard reader but I don't have a clue about how to read that information.
Looking at the smartcard faces, it shows a list of (I think) record numbers:
1. Surname
2. Given name(s)
3. Date and place of birth
5b. Card Number
The last one is the info I need: Card Number on record 5b.
I'm not experienced with smartcard reading. I don't know what I have to do. I suppose I have to send a "select file" APDU command and then read the 5b record, but don't know which file or how to format that commands.
On the card, there is a rectangle with E1 inside, and 182 under it, don't know if that could be a hint about what to read...
I know driver cards need authentication to read important data but I think the card number is something public (not sure though).
Who can help me?