I'm trying to update an app that already have the Three20 library. Now i'm using xcode 4.5 and everytime i try to make an Archive i recive this error:
Three20/Three20.h file not found
At the beginning i wasn't able to make any kind of build,but after the adding of $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/../three20 and $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/../../three20 in the Header Search Path of the build and the target settings i can make a Build in my Device. Anyway if i try to made an Archive to publish my app, the same errors returns. What i can do? I have already reinstall the last version of Three20.... I have to try this solution that i found on internet:
Go to Xcode4 Preferences (Cmd + ,) > Locations > Build Location > and select “Place build products in locations specified by targets”
In xcode 4.5 i can't approach this solution...Maybe Build Location menù is changed, i can't find the option “Place build products in locations specified by targets” .... Someone knows where i can found this setting?
At least there's someone how have made successfully an Archive on Xcode4.5 and Three20?