I'm looking at this form an Objective-C background so be gentle. The experiment looks like this:
Object1 has an instance variable named delegate.
Object1 receives a message and the proceeds to check if delegate implements a specific protocol (whose name is known beforehand), if it does, then it checks if the message is among the protocol's implemented methods. It then makes a decision on how to interact with the delegate and so on.
In Objective-C one has to define clear Protocols, usually stored in different files, and conforming to a protocol is checked by the compiler. In Pharo I can't seem to find how to check for this kind of information even though the Browser has a whole column dedicated to protocols, and beside grouping methods they seem to do very little.
, but unless I'm misunderstanding you, I don't think that's what you're after, because it sounds like they're something entirely different in Objective-C. Leandro's answer gives you some options for checking which methods an object responds to. – Ligurian