I recently updated to the new Firebase 3 but unfortunately as far as I can tell it doesn't support Geofire queries at the moment which is important in my app, I've rolled everything else in my application to using firebase 2 however when I try to deploy my app to firebase hosting I get an error saying:
"Error: Unable to authorize access to project
Note: This version of the Firebase CLI is only compatible with projects upgraded to the new Firebase Console. To access firebase.com apps, you will need to use a previous version: npm install -g firebase-tools@^2.1"
So then I tried to run npm install -g firebase-tools@^2.1 but when I try firebase -V it still says I'm on version 3.0. I also tried running npm uninstall firebase which returned unbuild [email protected] but if i check the firebase version it still say 3.0.1, I don't seem to be able to remove it, potentially i installed it elsewhere initially? I've run out of ideas please help!