I am trying to build a simple hotel room check-in database as a learning exercise.
CREATE TABLE HotelReservations
arrival DATE NOT NULL,
departure DATE NOT NULL,
guestName CHAR(30) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT timeTraveler CHECK (arrival < departure) /* stops time travelers*/
/* CONSTRAINT multipleReservations CHECK (my question is about this) */
PRIMARY KEY (roomNum, arrival)
I am having trouble specifying a constraint that doesn't allow inserting a new reservation for a room that has not yet been vacated. For example (below), guest 'B' checks into room 123 before 'A' checks out.
INSERT INTO HotelStays(roomNum, arrival, departure, guestName)
(123, date("2017-02-02"), date("2017-02-06"), 'A'),
(123, date("2017-02-04"), date("2017-02-08"), 'B');
This shouldn't be allowed but I am unsure how to write this constraint. My first attempt was to write a subquery in check, but I had trouble figuring out the proper subquery because I don't know how to access the 'roomNum' value of a new insert to perform the subquery with. I then also figured out that most SQL systems don't even allow subquerying inside of check.
So how am I supposed to write this constraint? I read some about triggers which seem like it might solve this problem, but is that really the only way to do it? Or am I just dense and missing an obvious way to write the constraint?