Here is an excerpt of the output that I get when I run the following command (40 is just an arg to the Fibonacci program) :
java -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:CompileCommand="print Fibonacci::fibonacci" Fibonacci 40
Can someone explain the meanings of each data (I presume it means the number of bytes, e.g., main code takes 288 bytes). Also what do the various categories mean - relocation, stubs code, metadata, scopes data, scopes pcs, handler table etc mean ?
Compiled method (c2) 93 16 4 Fibonacci::fibonacci (22 bytes)
total in heap [0xfff8000108113dd0,0xfff8000108114440] = 1648
relocation [0xfff8000108113f00,0xfff8000108113f48] = 72
main code [0xfff8000108113f60,0xfff8000108114080] = 288
stub code [0xfff8000108114080,0xfff80001081141e0] = 352
oops [0xfff80001081141e0,0xfff80001081141e8] = 8
metadata [0xfff80001081141e8,0xfff8000108114210] = 40
scopes data [0xfff8000108114210,0xfff8000108114298] = 136
scopes pcs [0xfff8000108114298,0xfff80001081143d8] = 320
dependencies [0xfff80001081143d8,0xfff80001081143e0] = 8
handler table [0xfff80001081143e0,0xfff8000108114440] = 96
Fibonacci.fibonacci [0xfff8000108113f60, 0xfff80001081141e0] 640 bytes
[Entry Point]
[Verified Entry Point]
# {method} {0xfff80001036243b8} 'fibonacci' '(I)J' in 'Fibonacci'
# parm0: I0 = int
# [sp+0x90] (sp of caller)
. Most of the fields are declared inCodeBlob
, which does have some comments as to what they are. – Flaming