It means "export all constructors and record fields for this data type".
When writing a module export list, there's three4 ways you can export a data type:
module ModuleD(
D, -- just the type, no constructors
D(..), -- the type and all its constructors
D(DA) -- the type and the specific constructor
) where
data D = DA A | DB B
If you don't export any constructors, the type, well, can't be constructed, at least directly. This is useful if you e.g. want to enforce some runtime invariants on the data type:
module Even (evenInt, toInt) where
newtype EvenInt = EvenInt Int deriving (Show, Eq)
evenInt :: Int -> Maybe EvenInt
evenInt x = if x `mod` 2 == 0 then Just x else Nothing
toInt :: EvenInt -> Int
toInt (EvenInt x) = x
The caller code can now use this type, but only in the allowed manner:
x = evenInt 2
putStrLn $ if isJust x then show . toInt . fromJust $ x else "Not even!"
As a side note, toInt
is usually implemented indirectly via the record syntax for convenience:
data EvenInt = EvenInt { toInt :: Int }
4 See @leftaroundabout's answer
also has another, unrelated meaning in lists:[1..5]
. Here it's syntax sugar forenumFromTo
. You can probably find out about this if you search for "list comprehensions". – TeressatereteenumFromTo
: that whole family of Enum functions have shorthand notations using..
in different ways. – Izaguirre