I am using Spring Cloud SQS messaging for listening to a specified queue. Hence using @SqsListener annotation as below:
@SqsListener(value = "${QUEUE}", deletionPolicy = SqsMessageDeletionPolicy.ALWAYS )
public void receive(@Headers Map<String, String> header, @Payload String message) {
try {
logger.logInfo("Message payload is: "+message);
logger.logInfo("Header from SQS is: "+header);
if(<Some condition>){
//Dequeue the message once message is processed successfully
awsSQSAsync.deleteMessage(header.get(LOOKUP_DESTINATION), header.get(RECEIPT_HANDLE));
logger.logInfo("Message with header: " + header + " FAILED to process");
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.logError(FLEX_TH_SQS001, e);
I am able to connect the specified queue successfully and read the message as well. I am setting a message attribute as "Key1" = "Value1" along with message in aws console before sending the message. Following is the message body:
"service": "ecsservice"
I am expecting "header" to receive a Map of all the message attributes along with the one i.e. Key1 and Value1. But what I am receiving is: {service=ecsservice} as the populated map.
That means payload/body of message is coming as part of header, although body is coming correctly.
I wonder what mistake I am doing due to which @Header header is not getting correct message attributes.
Seeking expert advice.
. – Admixture