WebRTC gives us peer-to-peer video/audio connections. It is perfect for p2p calls, hangouts. But what about broadcasting (one-to-many, for example, 1-to-10000)?
Lets say we have a broadcaster "B" and two attendees "A1", "A2". Of course it seems to be solvable: we just connect B with A1 and then B with A2. So B sends video/audio stream directly to A1 and another stream to A2. B sends streams twice.
Now lets imagine there are 10000 attendees: A1, A2, ..., A10000. It means B must send 10000 streams. Each stream is ~40KB/s which means B needs 400MB/s outgoing internet speed to maintain this broadcast. Unacceptable.
Is it possible somehow to solve this, so B sends only one stream on some server and attendees just pull this stream from this server? Yes, this means the outgoing speed on this server must be high, but I can maintain it.
Or maybe this means ruining WebRTC idea?
Flash is not working for my needs as per poor UX for end customers.
26.05.2015 - There is no such a solution for scalable broadcasting for WebRTC at the moment, where you do not use media-servers at all. There are server-side solutions as well as hybrid (p2p + server-side depending on different conditions) on the market.
There are some promising techs though like but they need to answer those possible issues: latency, overall network connection stability, scalability formula (they are not infinite-scalable probably).
- Decrease CPU/Bandwidth by tweaking both audio and video codecs;
- Get a media server.