I have an Open API 3 spec yaml file that has some x- prefixed properties. I'm trying to generate an Angular Typescript SDK using openapi-generator-cli. However when I reference the property in the template mustache, the x-prefixed property is always blank.
Example endpoint from the yaml (irrelevant stuff omitted):
summary: Information about this API
x-foo: getAbout
How I'm using it in the Mustache template (irrelevant stuff omitted):
public {{x-foo}}({{#allParams}}{{paramName}}{{#hasMore}}, {{/hasMore}}{{/allParams}})
(Basically I'm trying to use the x-foo parameter as the method name in the SDK that is being generated.)
The generated SDK, however, replaces {{x-foo}}
with blank:
public ()
This is how I'm invoking the generator (without the newlines):
openapi-generator generate
--generator-name typescript-angular
--template-dir ./path/to/templates
--input-spec ./path/to/api.yml
--output ./output
--config ./path/to/config.json
How can I reference a vendor extension / x-prefixed Open API 3 property from within openapi-generator template?