Using a DataFrame in Julia, I want to select rows on the basis of the value taken in a column.
With the following example
using DataFrames, DataFramesMeta
DT = DataFrame(ID = [1, 1, 2,2,3,3, 4,4], x1 = rand(8))
I want to extract the rows with ID taking the values 1 and 4. For the moment, I came out with that solution.
@where(DT, findall(x -> (x==4 || x==1), DT.ID))
When using only two values, it is manageable.
However, I want to make it applicable to a case with many rows and a large set of value for the ID to be selected. Therefore, this solution is unrealistic if I need to write down all the value to be selected
Any fancier solution to make this selection generic?