Is there any simple approach on how to mock a Rest API Calls in Pester.
Here is my code, I just need to mock those Rest API Calls in Pester and test them, could someone help me here.
Describe 'Test' {
BeforeAll {
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method 'GET' -Uri ''
$responseContent = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
Write-Output $responseContent
It 'It should respond with 200' {
$response.StatusCode | Should -Be 200
It 'It should have a null service response' {
$responseContent.serviceResponse | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
It 'It should be the right day of the week' {
$dayOfWeek = (Get-Date).DayOfWeek
$responseContent.dayOfTheWeek | Should -Be $dayOfWeek
It 'It should be the right year' {
$year = Get-Date -Format 'yyyy'
$responseContent.currentDateTime | Should -BeLike "*$year*"
It 'It should be the right month' {
$month = Get-Date -Format 'MM'
$responseContent.currentDateTime | Should -BeLike "*$month*"
# These two tests assume you are running this outside daylight savings (during the winter) .. hacky but good way to showcase the syntax ;)
It 'It should not be daylight savings time' {
$responseContent.isDayLightSavingsTime | Should -Not -Be $true
It 'It should not be daylight savings time another way' {
$responseContent.isDayLightSavingsTime | Should -BeFalse