I am trying to create a pystray menu separator, but I am having a hard time doing so. I have searched here on SO and in its documentation, which I find super confusing and unhelpful and I even tried to read the Menu
class Menu(object):
"""A description of a menu.
A menu description is immutable.
It is created with a sequence of :class:`Menu.Item` instances, or a single
callable which must return a generator for the menu items.
First, non-visible menu items are removed from the list, then any instances
of :attr:`SEPARATOR` occurring at the head or tail of the item list are
removed, and any consecutive separators are reduced to one.
#: A representation of a simple separator
SEPARATOR = MenuItem('- - - -', None)
def __init__(self, *items):
self._items = tuple(items)
In which I found the following representation, which I used like this:
sep = pystray.MenuItem("- - - -", None)
but instead of creating a separator, it created a menu item with this text: - - - -
You can find a minimal reproducible example below:
import pystray
from PIL import Image
def item1_action(icon, item):
print("Item 1 clicked")
def item2_action(icon, item):
print("Item 2 clicked")
def quit_action(icon, item):
print("Quit clicked")
item1 = pystray.MenuItem("Item 1", item1_action)
item2 = pystray.MenuItem("Item 2", item2_action)
sep = pystray.MenuItem("- - - -", None)
quit_item = pystray.MenuItem("Quit", quit_action)
menu = (item1, item2,s, quit_item)
image = Image.open('icon.png')
icon = pystray.Icon("test", image, "test", menu)