My application is a vb6 executable, but some newer forms in the system are written in C#. I would like to be able to set the C# form's Owner property using a handle to the main application window, so that the dialogs remain on top when tabbing back and forth between my app and other apps.
I can get the hwnd of the main application window. I'm not sure what I can do from there?
UPDATE Oct 20 '08 at 17:06:
Thanks for the response. I had overlooked that the Show/ShowDialog method parameter was not of type Form - I was looking only at the Owner property.
I slightly modified the code I'm using from the above - we have a component that generically loads our Forms and calls ShowDialog. My code looks like this:
Form launchTarget = FormFactory.GetForm(xxx); // psuedo-code for generic form loader
launchTarget.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent;
IWin32Window parentWindow = GetWindowFromHwnd(hwnd);
is a method-wrapped version of your code:
private IWin32Window GetWindowFromHost(int hwnd)
IWin32Window window = null;
IntPtr handle = new IntPtr(hwnd);
NativeWindow nativeWindow = new NativeWindow();
window = nativeWindow;
handle = IntPtr.Zero;
return window;
Unfortunately this isn't doing what I'd hoped. The form does display modally, but it's not showing up in the correct position nor is it still on top when I tab away and back to the parent window. Our modals do not show a task in the taskbar, so the window seemingly "disappears" (although it is still present in the alt-tab window list). That to me indicates I might not have the right hwnd. If you have any other suggestions though, please reply back. Thanks again.
UPDATE Nov 10 '08 at 16:25
One follow up remark - If you factor it out into a method call in a try/finally, as in Scott's 2nd post, the call in the finally block should be: