I've a project which ask me to do such a BIG search engine but which is all dynamic. I mean I can have about 0 to 9 main "group" which have inside something like an infinite possibility of "where" with "OR" or "AND". First thing we think was to use Dynamic Linq which provide a good alternative to build dynamic query. All this using EF with an homemade wrapper.
Probleme : I'm not able to access to a "Collection". I mean, I can easly access to a referenced object (Like Customer.State.StateName = "New-York" OR Custoemr.State.StateName = "Quebec" ) but I can't find a way to acces to something like : "Customer.Orders.OrderID = 2 OR Customer.Orders.OrderID = 3". I can easly figure out this its because its a collection, but how can I do this?
Please help me out!!
** Sorry for my english !!
I'm not clear enought I think, sorry its because im french...
My problem its because nothing is static. Its a candidat search engine for a recruting compagny that place candidats into an enterprise. In a page where manager can search candidat, he can "parse" by : Domain(s) (Jobs), City(ies) or many other that user have filled up when he register. All this in format (if it were in SQL) :
[...] WHERE (domaine.domainID = 3 OR domaine.domainID = 5 OR domaine.domainID = 23) AND (cities.cityID = 4, cities.city = 32) [...]
So i can't do this with a normal LINQ format like :
Candidat.Domaines.Where(domain => domain.DomainID == 3 || domain.DomainID == 5 || domain.DomainID == 23);
Even the operator in the paretheses are dynamic ("AND" or "OR")! That why we trying to use Dynamic Linq because its a lot more flexible.
Hope its more easy to understand my problem ...
Update 2 Here's my method
private string BuildDomainsWhereClause() {
StringBuilder theWhere = new StringBuilder();
if (this.Domaines.NumberOfIDs > 0) {
theWhere.Append("( ");
theWhere.Append(string.Format("Domaines.Where( "));
foreach (int i in this.Domaines.ListOfIDs) {
if (this.Domaines.ListOfIDs.IndexOf(i) > 0) {
theWhere.Append(string.Format(" {0} ", this.DispoJours.AndOr == AndOrEnum.And ? "&&" : "||"));
theWhere.Append(string.Format("DomaineId == {0}", i));
theWhere.Append(" ))");
return theWhere.ToString();
It works great instead that it "Not return a boolean". So how should I? Error : "Expression of type 'Boolean' expected".
At the end, it returns something like : "( Domaines.Where( DomaineId == 2 && DomaineId == 3 && DomaineId == 4 && DomaineId == 5 ))." which is added to my LINQ Query :
var queryWithWhere = from c in m_context.Candidats.Where(WHERE)
select c;
Dont forget that there's like 7 or 8 more "possible" added things to search in ... Any ideas?