I'm trying to remove a Gaussian noise from an image. I've added the noise myself using:
nImg = imnoise(img,'gaussian',0,0.01);
I now need to remove the noise using my own filter, or at least reduce it. In theory, as I understand, using a convolution matrix of ones(3)/9
should help and using a Gaussian convolution matrix like [1 2 1; 2 4 2; 1 2 1]/9
or fspecial('gaussian',3)
should be better. Yet, they really don't do the trick so well:
Am I missing something important? I need to use convolution, by the way.
1 2 1;2 4 2;1 2 1
. I should have divided by 16 and not by 9. Even so, it's not working too well: link – Crenel