I encountered a class during my work that looks like this:
public class MyObject
public int? A {get; set;}
public int? B {get; set;}
public int? C {get; set;}
public virtual int? GetSomeValue()
//simplified behavior:
return A ?? B ?? C;
The issue is that I have some code that accesses A, B and C and calls the GetSomeValue() method (now, I'd say this is not a good design, but sometimes my hands are tied ;-)). I want to create a mock of this object, which, at the same time, has A, B and C set to some values. So, when I use moq as such:
var m = new Mock<MyObject>() { DefaultValue = DefaultValue.Mock };
lets me setup a result on GetSomeValue() method, but all the properties are set to null (and setting up all of them using Setup() is quite cumbersome, since the real object is a nasty data object and has more properties than in above simplified example).
So on the other hand, using AutoFixture like this:
var fixture = new Fixture();
var anyMyObject = fixture.CreateAnonymous<MyObject>();
Leaves me without the ability to stup a call to GetSomeValue() method.
Is there any way to combine the two, to have anonymous values and the ability to setup call results?
Based on nemesv's answer, I derived the following utility method (hope I got it right):
public static Mock<T> AnonymousMock<T>() where T : class
var mock = new Mock<T>();
fixture.Customize<T>(c => c.FromFactory(() => mock.Object));
return mock;