I am trying to create a Java Application that retrieves information from a webpage. This is part of the code I am trying to access the value in the 1st td tag in the 2nd tr tag:
<TABLE CLASS="datadisplaytable" width = "100%">
<TD CLASS="dddead"> </TD>
<TH CLASS="ddheader" scope="col" ><SPAN class="fieldlabeltext">Capacity</SPAN></TH>
<TH CLASS="ddheader" scope="col" ><SPAN class="fieldlabeltext">Actual</SPAN></TH>
<TH CLASS="ddheader" scope="col" ><SPAN class="fieldlabeltext">Remaining</SPAN></TH>
<TH CLASS="ddlabel" scope="row" ><SPAN class="fieldlabeltext">Seats</SPAN></TH>
**<TD CLASS="dddefault">46</TD>**
<TD CLASS="dddefault">46</TD>
<TD CLASS="dddefault">0</TD>
This is what i have right now but this only returns the class of the td tag and not the value inside it:
List<?> table = page.getByXPath("//table[@class='datadisplaytable'][1]//tr[2]/td");
How would I go about getting the value of the td tag and not its properties?
edit: The code above returns this:
HtmlTableDataCell[<td class="dddefault">]