If, as your question indicates, you'd like to use N++ then use N++ Python Script. Setup the script and assign a shortcut key, then you have a single pass solution requiring only to open, modify, and save... can't get much simpler than that.
I think part of the problem is that N++ is not a regex tool and the use of a dedicated regex tool
, or even a search/replace solution, is sometimes warranted. You may be better off, both in speed and in time value using a tool made for text processing vs editing.
[Script Edit]:: Altered to match the modified in/out expectations.
# Substitute & Replace within matched group.
from Npp import *
import re
def repl(m):
return "(Scripts." + re.sub( "[-.]", "_", m.group(1) ).replace( "/", "." ) + ")"
editor.pyreplace( '(?:[(].*?Scripts.)(.*?)(?:"?[)])', repl )
- Install:: Plugins -> Plugin Manager -> Python Script
- New Script:: Plugins -> Python Script -> script-name.py
- Select target tab.
- Run:: Plugins -> Python Script -> Scripts -> script-name
[Edit: An extended one-liner PythonScript command]
Having need for the new regex module for Python (that I hope replaces re) I played around and compiled it for use with the N++ PythonScript plugin and decided to test it on your sample set.
Two commands on the console ended up with the correct results in the editor.
import regex as re
editor.setText( (re.compile( r'(?<=.*Content[(].*)((?<omit>["~]+?([~])[/]|["])|(?<toUnderscore>[-.]+)|(?<toDot>[/]+))+(?=.*[)]".*)' ) ).sub(lambda m: {'omit':'','toDot':'.','toUnderscore':'_'}[[ key for key, value in m.groupdict().items() if value != None ][0]], editor.getText() ) )
Very sweet!
What else is really cool about using regex
instead of re
was that I was able to build the expression in Expresso and use it as is! Which allows for a verbose explanation of it, just by copy-paste of the r''
string portion into Expresso.
The abbreviated text of which is::
Match a prefix but exclude it from the capture. [.*Content[(].*]
[1]: A numbered capture group. [(?<omit>["~]+?([~])[/]|["])|(?<toUnderscore>[-.]+)|(?<toDot>[/]+)], one or more repetitions
Select from 3 alternatives
[omit]: A named capture group. [["~]+?([~])[/]|["]]
Select from 2 alternatives
Any character in this class: ["]
[toUnderscore]: A named capture group. [[-.]+]
[toDot]: A named capture group. [[/]+]
Match a suffix but exclude it from the capture. [.*[)]".*]
The command breakdown is fairly nifty, we are telling Scintilla to set the full buffer contents to the results of a compiled regex substitution command by essentially using a 'switch' off of the name of the group that isn't empty.
Hopefully Dave (the PythonScript Author) will add the regex module to the ExtraPythonLibs part of the project.