I have some questions regarding CG.
What OpenGL version does CG support? On their site they state
Opengl Functionality Requirements
OpenGL 1.0
Which seems a little bit odd to me. For me this means that I need to have at least OpenGL 1.0 to use all OpenGL features in CG. So litteraly all new OpenGL features are missing?
Also the compute shader seems to be missing
GeometryShader, PixelShader, TessellationEvaluationShader, VertexShader, FragmentProgram, GeometryProgram, TessellationControlProgram, TessellationEvaluationProgram, VertexProgram
Is CG now a viable alternative to replace GLSL 4.x? Can I write all shaders in CG that I could write in GLSL 4.3?