I have some Delphi/assembly code that compiles and works fine (XE2) for Win32, Win64, and OSX 32. However, since I need it to work on Linux, I have been looking at compiling FPC versions of it (so far, Win32/64, Linux32/64).
By and large, it works well, but the one thing I have not been able to get to work are calls/jumps to Delphi System
unit functions, like such:
jmp System.@FillChar
This appears to have the desired effect on FPC Win32/Linux32, but fails with an exception on FPC Win64/Linux64. (I am quite familiar with the calling convention differences among the platforms, so don't think that's the reason.)
What is the correct way of doing this on FPC for x64 platforms?
[Edit1] --- In response to David's comment, here is a simplified program that illustrates the problem (at least I hope it does so accurately):
program fpcx64example;
procedure FillMemCall (p: pointer; len: longword; val: byte);
// this function and the System function have the same parameters
// in the same order -- they are already in their proper places here
jmp System.@FillChar
function MakeString (c: AnsiChar; len: longword): AnsiString;
Setlength (Result, len);
if len > 0 then FillMemCall (PAnsiChar(Result), len, byte(c));
writeln (MakeString ('x',10));
writeln ('Exception!');
To compile with FPC:
[Win32:] fpc.exe fpcx64example.dpr
, [Win64:] ppcrossx64.exe fpcx64example.dpr
, [Linux32:] fpc.exe -Tlinux -XPi386-linux- -FD[path]\FPC\bin\i386-linux fpcx64example.dpr
, [Linux64:] ppcrossx64.exe -Tlinux -XPx86_64-linux- -FD[FPCpath]\bin\x86_64-linux fpcx64example.dpr
Works fine with Delphi (Win32/64). For FPC, removing jmp System.@FillChar
above gets rid of the exception on x64.
The solution (Thanks to FPK):
Delphi and FPC do not generate stack frames for functions under the exact same conditions, so that the RSP
register may have a different alignment in the versions compiled by the two. The solution is to avoid this difference. One way of doing so, for the FillMemCall example above, would look like such:
{$IFDEF CPU64} {$DEFINE CPUX64} {$ENDIF} // for Delphi compatibility
procedure FillMemCall (p: pointer; len: longword; val: byte);
{$IFDEF FPC} nostackframe; {$ENDIF} //Force same FPC behaviour as in Delphi
{$IFNDEF FPC} .NOFRAME {$ENDIF} // To make it explicit (Delphi)...
// RSP = ###0h at the site of the last CALL instruction, so
// since the return address (QWORD) was pushed onto the stack by CALL,
// it must now be ###8h -- if nobody touched RSP.
movdqa xmm0, dqword ptr [rsp + 8] // <- Testing RSP misalignment -- this will crash if not aligned to DQWORD boundary
jmp System.@FillChar
This isn't exactly beautiful, but it now works for Win/Linux 32/64 for both Delphi and FPC.
seems to do what your function does already. – Europa