I was wondering about a Prolog that could include a built-in call like this:
accum(generator, filter, accumulator)
Calculates all solutions to generator.
For each one, if filter can be proved, accumulator is proved.
Backtracks to find all solutions to filter and generator.
Accumulator may backtrack internally, but multiple proofs of accumulator are
conjoined, not backtracked.
So, for example, to sum a list without using recursion you could write:
X is 0, accum(member(Val,List), True, X is X + Val).
Is there any Prolog with this construct or an equivalent? Bear in mind that I am a bit of a newbie at Prolog and may be missing something obvious.
module will still be required, unless you want to use non-logical features (in which case the adverb "simply" does not apply ;)). – Hypercorrection