Sitecore does have a workaround in place for the known issues:
Using Social Connected 2.1 with Sitecore CMS 7.2 Reference number:
Social Connected 2.1 isn’t compatible with Sitecore CMS 7.2.
Install Social Connected module on Sitecore 7.2 rev. 140228.
Install Social Connected 2.1 rev. 140113 using the Installation Wizard. During
installation, you'll get the following error message: "Could not find
configuration node: content Search/configuration/defaultIndex
Configuration/analyzer". Close the message. Make required changes* to
configuration files. Open the Installation Wizard and install the
module package again. Use the Skip option for items and files
conflicts. Fix Social Connected module that is already installed on
Sitecore 7.2 rev. 140228 Make required changes* to configuration
* Required changes to the Sitecore.Social.config file:
Change the analyzer tag from
<analyzer ref="contentSearch/configuration/defaultIndexConfiguration/analyzer" />
to the following...
<analyzer ref="contentSearch/indexConfigurations/defaultLuceneIndexConfiguration/analyzer" />
Add the "true" tag to the
"socialSearch/configuration" section.
* You can find the official Sitecore workaround / KB article here *
So you can use Social Connected 2.1 with this fix.