I'm working with a fairly large project, managed by SBT (full recompilation time 150+ sec). I'm using latest Scala IDE plugin (4.0.0-M1) and I can barely edit any large enough source file - each time I type something, eclipse freezes completely for a couple of seconds. Same happens when I save my changes. It also seems that editing file cause more and more heavy performance degrade. Restarting Eclipse helps, but not for long. To work this around, I have to open a .scala source file in text editor via Eclipse, losing all benefits of Scala editor.
Additional info
PC is good enough - Intel Core i5-3570 with 16 GB RAM
I'm using Windows 7 x64, Scala 2.10.3, SBT 0.13.1 and Oracle JDK 1.7.0u45
Using profiling with Java VisualVM shows that apparently CPU is used by Scala presentation compiler:
Eclipse's heap status indicator never goes beyond a half.
Auto-build, implicits highlight and mark occurences are all turned off
Configuration from eclipse.ini
(3 last flags are added from http://scala-ide.org/docs/current-user-doc/advancedsetup/index.html):