This is a repost of my answer here, where I use a partial to cover all of a blog's image needs.
As other's have said, images are inline elements and Markdown parsers will force them to be wrapped in block level elements. The currently accepted answer is hacky: it looks messy in your markdown, is not robust/extensible, and is not easily modifiable. I use Middleman for my blog and created a partial for my images that does everything I could want an image to do. I assume/hope Jekyll has partials as well and that this answer, although varying from Jekyll in syntax, will still be relevant to you.
Note that I prefix my image links if they don't begin with "http://", "https:/" or "/". This is because I have a solid organizational structure for my blog's images, and makes it simpler when using this partial, I just need the image name and no other parts of its path.
Here is the partial:
#initialize local variables in case they were not included
caption ||= ""
alt ||= ""
classes ||= ""
#strip '.html' extension off article link to get name of folder
url = current_article.url
url_without_ext = url[0..url.length-6]
#determine if image has an exact link or belongs to "/images/blog/CURRENT_ARTICLE_NAME/"
prefix = src[0..6]
if prefix != "http://" and prefix != "https:/" and src[0] !="/" then
#image belongs to "/images/blog/CURRENT_ARTICLE_NAME/" - add prefix to src
src = "/images#{url_without_ext}/#{src}"
<!-- Use Kramdown's 'nomarkdown' tag so that this figure is not wrapped in a 'p' tag in the blog pages that use this partial -->
<figure class="<%= classes %>">
<!-- Show the image and link to the full resolution on click-->
<a target="_blank" href="<%= src %>" >
<img src="<%= src %>" alt="<%= alt %>">
<figcaption><%= caption %></figcaption>
And call this partial like so
No prefix will be added:
<%= partial "partials/image.erb", locals: {
src: "/images/icons/tech/atom.svg",
alt: "Atom",
classes: "icon" } %>
Prefix will be added:
<%= partial "partials/image.erb", locals: {
src: "my-lovely-dog.svg",
alt: "Dog",
caption: "Woof woof!",
classes: "icon" } %>
I keep this partial up to date here (in case I add/edit any of it).