I recently installed Visual Sudio 2015 and was able to run code analysis for the solution with the following command:
msbuild.exe MySolution.sln /p:RunCodeAnalysis=true
where /p:RunCodeAnalysis=true
performs the code analysis. Actually this calls the FxCopCmd.exe located in
C:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Team Tools\Static AnalysisTools\FxCop\FxCopCmd.exe
Code Analysis was meant to replace FxCop, but actually Code Analysis executes itself FxCopCmd.exe
Maybe I miss something, but what is the difference between VS Code Analysis and FxCop?
msbuild.exe MySolution.sln /p:RunCodeAnalysis=true
(which starts also code analysis), this actually starts theC:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Team Tools\StaticAnalysisTools\FxCop\FxCopCmd.exe
command. Is this not the same as executing FxCop directly? – Sternson