As already mentioned in one of the comments that oozie
in itself is a command line tool.
Therefore, to answer both of your questions:
- List all jobs
- For listing all
jobs use the following command
oozie jobs
oozie jobs -jobtype wf
- For listing all
jobs use the following command from the console
oozie jobs -jobtype coordinator
- Execute a job from command line
oozie job --oozie http://oozie-url:11000/oozie -config -run
Mind you that if you want to keep on starting on demand job either you have to run the above command manually (also only for workflow jobs, not for coordinator jobs as coordinator jobs would be scheduled according to the schedule you define) or put in a shell script so that it is triggered under certain situations
For more info check this link - Oozie_Command_Line_Usage
. – Alvardo