I have an issue with one of my current weekend projects. I am writing a Python script that fetches some data from different sources and then spits everything out to an esc-pos printer. As you might imagine pos printers don't exactly like emojis...
So text like this:
gives me this character string:
The result that comes out of the printer is quite different than what I would like of course. So I need to replace these non-ASCII characters with something else. I don't really care for the first characters, but I do care about emojis. Using something like: unidecode(str(text))
will at least strip them out, but I want to convert them to something more useful. Either into classic smilies like [:-D] or into [SMILING FACE WITH HEART-SHAPED EYES].
My problem is... how would one go about doing this? Manually creating a lookup table for most common emojis seems a bit tedious, so I am wondering if there is something else that I can do.