I have a component which employs template-driven form
<form (ngSubmit)="onSearchCorpus(form)" #form="ngForm">
<combo-box [(ngModel)]="model.corpus" name="corpus" #corpus="ngModel"></combo-box>
<input [(ngModel)]="model.label" name="label" id="label" type="text" required pattern="^(?!\s*$)[\w\_\-\:\s]*" maxlength="50" class="form-control label-name" autocomplete="off" #label="ngModel">
<textarea [(ngModel)]="model.query" name="query" id="query" maxlength="3600" required validateQuerySyntax class="form-control search-query" #query="ngModel" #queryControl
placeholder="Example: ("grantee" OR "grant" OR "sponsor" OR "contribute" OR "contributor") NEAR ("non-profit organization" OR "charities")">
<button [disabled]="corpusValidationInProgress" type="submit" class="button-level-one">Search</button>
In the method that handles form submission I access controls property of NgForm instance and it works fine in browser.
onSearchCorpus(formData: NgForm) {
const corpusErrors = formData.controls.corpus.errors;
However when I try to test this method with Karma the NgForm's controls
property is empty. I'm confused why is that. The method fails with error cannot read property "errors" of undefined
Here is how my test looks like:
it('should not perform corpusSearch if selected corpus no longer exists', () => {
const form = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('form'));
form.triggerEventHandler('submit', null);
and this is how I'm setting up my test suit:
beforeEach(async(() => {
// schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA],
imports: [
providers: [
{ provide: ApiService, useValue: ApiServiceStub },
{ provide: Router, useClass: RouterStab },
declarations: [
SearchCorpusComponent, //<--component under test
ComboBoxComponent //<-- 3rd party combobox which is used for first control
beforeEach(() => {
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(SearchCorpusComponent);
component = fixture.componentInstance;
apiService = fixture.debugElement.injector.get(ApiService);
subject = new Subject();
So, why controls
is empty in test environment?