I want to create the folder: temp2 which is able to store all the symlinks of the subfolders/files of other foder: temp1. with_items
can help complete this task, but it needs to list down all the folder/file name as below script shown:
- name: "create folder: temp2 to store symlinks"
path: "/etc/temp2"
state: directory
- name: "create symlinks & store in temp2"
src: "/etc/temp1/{{ item.src }}"
dest: "/etc/temp2/{{ item.dest }}"
state: link
force: yes
- { src: 'BEAM', dest: 'BEAM' }
- { src: 'cfg', dest: 'cfg' }
- { src: 'Core', dest: 'Core' }
- { src: 'Data', dest: 'Data' }
It is not flexible as the subfolders/files under temp1 would be added or removed, and I need to update above script frequently to keep the symlinks as updated
Is there any way to detect all the files/folder under temp1 automatically instead of maintaining the with_items