I have been using JJ Allaire's guide to using word embeddings in neural network model for text processing (https://jjallaire.github.io/deep-learning-with-r-notebooks/notebooks/6.1-using-word-embeddings.nb.html). I am confused as to how the model relates the tokenized sequences of words (x_train) back to the word embeddings that are defined using the whole dataset (instead of just the training data). Is there a way to conceptualize how the word tokens are mapped to word embeddings? Otherwise, how does a word like 'king' map to the word embedding (obtained using Glove for example). I am speaking to the relation between these chunks of code:
#building model
history <- model %>% fit(
x_train, y_train,
epochs = 20,
batch_size = 32,
validation_data = list(x_val, y_val)
#relating model to word embeddings
model <- keras_model_sequential() %>%
layer_embedding(input_dim = max_words, output_dim = embedding_dim,
input_length = maxlen) %>%
layer_flatten() %>%
layer_dense(units = 32, activation = "relu") %>%
layer_dense(units = 1, activation = "sigmoid")
get_layer(model, index = 1) %>%
set_weights(list(embedding_matrix)) %>%
How is a tokenized word from the x_train linked back to a word in the embedding_matrix (especially if the embedding layer is trained on all data)?