hello! I'm trying to build a custom filter for a data grid at runtime. I'm using spring boot and vaadin 8 for data presentation. Vaadin knowledge is irrelevant to this question.
How i'm doing: I built a hashmap for the filters.
private HashMap<String, Specification<ARInteraction>> interactionSpecifications =
new HashMap<>();
Each filter text field adds or removes a specification to the map:
TextField filterOwner = new TextField("Filter");
filterOwner.addValueChangeListener(nv -> {
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(nv.getValue())) {
interactionSpecifications.put("owner", ARInteractionSpecifications
} else {
When the field data changes, a custom specification is added or substituted (or removed) from the specifications map.
Then I call to refresh the data view content, which causes the query to fetch data to be run.
To build the specification to query the data, I simply add all specifications by applying an 'and' operation between them.
private Specification<ARInteraction> buildSpecification() {
// No specs
if (interactionSpecifications.isEmpty())
return null;
// Assembles all specs together
Specification<ARInteraction> ret = null;
for (Specification<ARInteraction> spec : interactionSpecifications.values()) {
if (ret == null) {
ret = Specification.where(spec);
} else {
return ret;
What I expected to happen is that, with both filters applied, only entites that comply with both specifications are fetched.
What actually happens is that if I set the status specification alone (not shown here) it works, if I set the owner email filter it also works, but if I set both, all interactions from that owner are shown ignoring the status filter.