Header files contain definitions of functions and variables which can be incorporated into any C program by using the pre-processor #include statement. Standard header files are provided with each compiler, and cover a range of areas, string handling, mathematical, data conversion, printing and reading of variables.
Ex- #include it contain the information about input like scanf(),and out put like printf() function and etc in a compiler.
It is a pre-processor that process before process of main function.
The main work of pre-processor is to initialize the environment of program i.e that is the program with the header file.
(Header file) A header file is a file with extension .h which contains C function declarations and macro definitions and to be shared between several source files.
Q) There are two types of header files: the files that the programmer writes and the files that come with your compiler ?
A)In a angular brackets
Angular-bracket form is for "global" includes -- those found somewhere on the include path passed to the compiler (e.g. #include)
It is used for using of library function which is all ready define in compiler.
In C the convention is that header files in <> bracket are searched in 'system' directories
B) Quote marks:- “header.h”
quoted form is for "local" includes of files (you need to specify the relative path from the current file, e.g. #include "headers/my_header.h")
In C the convention is that header files in " " are searched in user or local directories.
In it one file to be included in another .(FILE INCLUSION).
It can be used in two cases:
Case 1: If we have a very large program, the code is best divided int several different files,each containing a set of related functions.
Case 2: There are some functions and micros definitions that we need at most in all programs that we write.