I'm facing the exact same issue on Android (works fine on iOS) when I animate the map with CameraUpdate.newLatLngBounds
. It repositions to North Pacific Ocean immediately after setting the bounds, not sure what's causing this but here's a workaround -
Instead of setting the map position using LatLngBounds
, you can calculate the centre of the bounds you want to set
// the bounds you want to set
LatLngBounds bounds = LatLngBounds(
southwest: LatLng(23.785182, 90.330702),
northeast: LatLng(24.582782, 88.821163),
// calculating centre of the bounds
LatLng centerBounds = LatLng(
(bounds.northeast.latitude + bounds.southwest.latitude)/2,
(bounds.northeast.longitude + bounds.southwest.longitude)/2
// setting map position to centre to start with
target: centerBounds,
zoom: 17,
zoomToFit(controller, bounds, centerBounds);
Once you set the map position to the centre of the bounds (and zoomed in), you then need to keep zooming out till the visible map region covers the bounds you want to set. You can get the visible map region with controller.getVisibleRegion()
. Here's the implementation -
Future<void> zoomToFit(GoogleMapController controller, LatLngBounds bounds, LatLng centerBounds) async {
bool keepZoomingOut = true;
while(keepZoomingOut) {
final LatLngBounds screenBounds = await controller.getVisibleRegion();
if(fits(bounds, screenBounds)){
keepZoomingOut = false;
final double zoomLevel = await controller.getZoomLevel() - 0.5;
target: centerBounds,
zoom: zoomLevel,
else {
// Zooming out by 0.1 zoom level per iteration
final double zoomLevel = await controller.getZoomLevel() - 0.1;
target: centerBounds,
zoom: zoomLevel,
bool fits(LatLngBounds fitBounds, LatLngBounds screenBounds) {
final bool northEastLatitudeCheck = screenBounds.northeast.latitude >= fitBounds.northeast.latitude;
final bool northEastLongitudeCheck = screenBounds.northeast.longitude >= fitBounds.northeast.longitude;
final bool southWestLatitudeCheck = screenBounds.southwest.latitude <= fitBounds.southwest.latitude;
final bool southWestLongitudeCheck = screenBounds.southwest.longitude <= fitBounds.southwest.longitude;
return northEastLatitudeCheck && northEastLongitudeCheck && southWestLatitudeCheck && southWestLongitudeCheck;