I'm trying to split my Blazor Server project into components in order to make it more manageable.
I want my component to have a function passed in as a parameter to it. The function takes a string parameter and it is called with different names from the component when a button is clicked.
I've tried some answers I found online but they don't seem to work(Like binding events)
I have a component named ItemMenu.razor
and my index page Index.razor
<button @onclick="() => OnClickFunction.Invoke(foo)">foo</button>
<button @onclick="() => OnClickFunction.Invoke(ping)">ping</button>
@code {
[Parameter] public Action<string> OnClickFunction { get; set; }
const string foo = "bar";
const string ping = "pong";
@page "/"
<h1>This is my index page!</h1>
<ItemMenu OnClickFunction="ShowName" /> @*Error: No overload for 'ShowName' matches delegate 'Action'*@
@code {
public void ShowName(string myName)
Line 3 in Index.html
throws the error No overload for 'ShowName' matches delegate 'Action'
Turns out I just needed to rename my variable to OnClick
instead of OnClickFunction
Ok @enet pointed out the variable name wasn't the problem. In blazor we should use the EventCallback and not Action.
Turns out the real problem in my case was Visual Studio as I found this solution earlier when looking at other answers. VS decided to show an error on this line even though it compiles and runs fine...