I'm working with Flutter quite a long time and have a bunch of released products. I never really liked BLoC and preferred to use Provider or later Riverpod.
I just don't understand that event concept. Why do we still need it? And i'm confused because of it's actual popularity... BLoC has Cubit subclass that seems to be more simple to use, but everyone just keep telling: "Cubit is simpler, but not so functional". But what are limitations?
I even think that Cubits are MORE USEFUL and MORE SIMPLE at the same time:
- With Cubit you just call it's method with params. You still can listen its state AND get the method return value if needed too.
- You don't need extra coding implementing these Event Types.
- You don't need extra extra coding implementing how bloc will handle every single event type. METHODS DO THAT JUST FINE.
example: User taps some product's "Add to cart" button.
inside them:
void addProduct(String productId) async {
//some validation...
final result = await cartRepo.addProduct(id);
if(result == ...) {
state = someState;
void addEvent(CartEvent event) {
if (event is UserAddsProductEvent) {
} else if (event is....) {
void _addProduct(String productId) async {
//some validation...
final result = await cartRepo.addProduct(id);
if(result == ...) {
state = someState;
What is the point?