I have a character after a jump, has a landing animation, this needs to play, before an idle state (in state machine) gets called with the animation_finished signal.
This Idle state, has a secondary Idle state supposed to kick in after 5 seconds, but, after the Idle animation is played on a loop, the signal is fired and the character goes back to the start of the Idle state again, the secondary Idle never gets a chance to kick in.
This is what the finished signal is set to do...
func _on_AnimatedSprite_animation_finished():
var target_state: = "Move/Idle" if get_parent().get_move_direction().x == 0 else "Move/Walk"
This function is ONLY in the Landing state, but the signal seems to be universal, and triggers anyway again in the Idle state.
Is there a way to specify the signal to only trigger on a specific animation ending, Land, in this case, and not when any other animations have finished?