I'd like to make a random string for use in session verification using PostgreSQL. I know I can get a random number with SELECT random()
, so I tried SELECT md5(random())
, but that doesn't work. How can I do this?
I'd suggest this simple solution:
This is a quite simple function that returns a random string of the given length:
Create or replace function random_string(length integer) returns text as
chars text[] := '{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z}';
result text := '';
i integer := 0;
if length < 0 then
raise exception 'Given length cannot be less than 0';
end if;
for i in 1..length loop
result := result || chars[1+random()*(array_length(chars, 1)-1)];
end loop;
return result;
$$ language plpgsql;
And the usage:
select random_string(15);
Example output:
select random_string(15) from generate_series(1,15);
(15 rows)
chars[1+random()*(array_length(chars, 1)-1)]
with chars[ceil(61 * random())]
Canice random()
gets called length
times (like in many of the other solutions). Is there a more efficient way to choose from 62 characters each time? How does this perform compared to md5()
? –
Hambrick ORDER BY random()
. Which is faster? –
Hambrick Check out this for a totally different method using gen_random_uuid()
: faster, more randomness, more efficiently stored in the database. –
Certes You can fix your initial attempt like this:
SELECT md5(random()::text);
Much simpler than some of the other suggestions. :-)
SELECT concat(md5(random()::text), md5(random()::text));
And if you wanted somewhere in the middle (50 chars for example), you could take a substring of that: SELECT substr(concat(md5(random()::text), md5(random()::text)), 0, 50);
Differentiable gen_random_uuid()
: faster, more randomness, more efficiently stored in the database. –
Certes SELECT md5(random()::text||random()::text);
, or SELECT md5(random()::text||random()::text||random()::text);
Dorty I'd suggest this simple solution:
This is a quite simple function that returns a random string of the given length:
Create or replace function random_string(length integer) returns text as
chars text[] := '{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z}';
result text := '';
i integer := 0;
if length < 0 then
raise exception 'Given length cannot be less than 0';
end if;
for i in 1..length loop
result := result || chars[1+random()*(array_length(chars, 1)-1)];
end loop;
return result;
$$ language plpgsql;
And the usage:
select random_string(15);
Example output:
select random_string(15) from generate_series(1,15);
(15 rows)
chars[1+random()*(array_length(chars, 1)-1)]
with chars[ceil(61 * random())]
Canice random()
gets called length
times (like in many of the other solutions). Is there a more efficient way to choose from 62 characters each time? How does this perform compared to md5()
? –
Hambrick ORDER BY random()
. Which is faster? –
Hambrick Check out this for a totally different method using gen_random_uuid()
: faster, more randomness, more efficiently stored in the database. –
Certes You can get 128 bits of random from a UUID. This is the method to get the job done in modern PostgreSQL.
SELECT gen_random_uuid();
May be worth reading the docs on UUID too
The data type uuid stores Universally Unique Identifiers (UUID) as defined by RFC 4122, ISO/IEC 9834-8:2005, and related standards. (Some systems refer to this data type as a globally unique identifier, or GUID, instead.) This identifier is a 128-bit quantity that is generated by an algorithm chosen to make it very unlikely that the same identifier will be generated by anyone else in the known universe using the same algorithm. Therefore, for distributed systems, these identifiers provide a better uniqueness guarantee than sequence generators, which are only unique within a single database.
How rare is a collision with UUID, or guessable? Assuming they're random,
About 100 trillion version 4 UUIDs would need to be generated to have a 1 in a billion chance of a single duplicate ("collision"). The chance of one collision rises to 50% only after 261 UUIDs (2.3 x 10^18 or 2.3 quintillion) have been generated. Relating these numbers to databases, and considering the issue of whether the probability of a Version 4 UUID collision is negligible, consider a file containing 2.3 quintillion Version 4 UUIDs, with a 50% chance of containing one UUID collision. It would be 36 exabytes in size, assuming no other data or overhead, thousands of times larger than the largest databases currently in existence, which are on the order of petabytes. At the rate of 1 billion UUIDs generated per second, it would take 73 years to generate the UUIDs for the file. It would also require about 3.6 million 10-terabyte hard drives or tape cartridges to store it, assuming no backups or redundancy. Reading the file at a typical "disk-to-buffer" transfer rate of 1 gigabit per second would require over 3000 years for a single processor. Since the unrecoverable read error rate of drives is 1 bit per 1018 bits read, at best, while the file would contain about 1020 bits, just reading the file once from end to end would result, at least, in about 100 times more mis-read UUIDs than duplicates. Storage, network, power, and other hardware and software errors would undoubtedly be thousands of times more frequent than UUID duplication problems.
source: wikipedia
In summary,
- UUID is standardized.
is 128 bits of random stored in 128 bits (2**128 combinations). 0-waste.random()
only generates 52 bits of random in PostgreSQL (2**52 combinations).md5()
stored as UUID is 128 bits, but it can only be as random as its input (52 bits if usingrandom()
stored as text is 288 bits, but it only can only be as random as its input (52 bits if usingrandom()
) - over twice the size of a UUID and a fraction of the randomness)md5()
as a hash, can be so optimized that it doesn't effectively do much.- UUID is highly efficient for storage: PostgreSQL provides a type that is exactly 128 bits. Unlike
, etc which store as avarlena
which has overhead for the length of the string. - PostgreSQL nifty UUID comes with some default operators, castings, and features.
Building on Marcin's solution, you could do this to use an arbitrary alphabet (in this case, all 62 ASCII alphanumeric characters):
SELECT array_to_string(array
select substr('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789', trunc(random() * 62)::integer + 1, 1)
FROM generate_series(1, 12)), '');
Check out this for a totally different method using gen_random_uuid()
: faster, more randomness, more efficiently stored in the database. –
Certes Please use string_agg
SELECT string_agg (substr('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789', ceil (random() * 62)::integer, 1), '')
FROM generate_series(1, 45);
I'm using this with MD5 to generate a UUID also. I just want a random value with more bits than a random ()
until I get the number of bits I want. Oh well. –
Rhapsody I was playing with PostgreSQL recently, and I think I've found a little better solution, using only built-in PostgreSQL methods - no pl/pgsql. The only limitation is it currently generates only UPCASE strings, or numbers, or lower case strings.
template1=> SELECT array_to_string(ARRAY(SELECT chr((65 + round(random() * 25)) :: integer) FROM generate_series(1,12)), '');
template1=> SELECT array_to_string(ARRAY(SELECT chr((48 + round(random() * 9)) :: integer) FROM generate_series(1,12)), '');
The second argument to the generate_series
method dictates the length of the string.
array_to_string(ARRAY(SELECT chr((65 + round((random()+my_id-my) * 25)) :: integer) FROM generate_series(1,8)), '')
Anaphase array_to_string(ARRAY(SELECT chr((65 + round((random() * 25 + id) :: integer % 25 )) :: integer) FROM generate_series(1, 60)), '');
Elmaelmajian SELECT chr(65 + round(random() * 25) :: integer) FROM generate_series
should suffice as 65 is an integer anyway. –
Clermontferrand While not active by default, you could activate one of the core extensions:
Then your statement becomes a simple call to gen_salt() which generates a random string:
select gen_salt('md5') from generate_series(1,4);
The leading number is a hash identifier. Several algorithms are available each with their own identifier:
- md5: $1$
- bf: $2a$06$
- des: no identifier
- xdes: _J9..
More information on extensions:
- pgCrypto: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.2/static/pgcrypto.html
- Included Extensions: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.2/static/contrib.html
As indicated by Evan Carrol, as of v9.4 you can use gen_random_uuid()
? That is a hash type identifier (md5==1), the rest is the randomized value. –
Zodiac @Kavius recommended using pgcrypto
, but instead of gen_salt
, what about gen_random_bytes
? And how about sha512
instead of md5
create extension if not exists pgcrypto;
select digest(gen_random_bytes(1024), 'sha512');
F.25.5. Random-Data Functions
gen_random_bytes(count integer) returns bytea
Returns count cryptographically strong random bytes. At most 1024 bytes can be extracted at a time. This is to avoid draining the randomness generator pool.
offers any benefit if the underlying data you are hashing is random. Assuming randomness, anything that encodes to a string should be sufficient, and the less computationally complex, the better (eg. base64 encoding?). -- sorry, old comment, but came up while discussing with someone at work –
Zodiac sha512
would have the advantage of being 4 times longer than md5
, and thus a collision attack would be more difficult? –
Wedge select gen_random_bytes(1024)
.. and yes ... 6 years. Very arbitrary conversation with colleague brought it up. –
Zodiac The INTEGER parameter defines the length of the string. Guaranteed to cover all 62 alphanum characters with equal probability (unlike some other solutions floating around on the Internet).
SELECT array_to_string(
SELECT substring(
FROM (ceil(random()*62))::int FOR 1
FROM generate_series(1, $1)
Check out this for a totally different method using gen_random_uuid()
: faster, more randomness, more efficiently stored in the database. –
Certes gen_random_uuid()
appeared in Version 9.4 as far as I can tell, which was released 2014-12-18, more than a year after the answer you downvoted. Additional nitpick: the answer is only 3 1/2 years old :-) But you're right, now that we have gen_random_uuid()
, this is what should be used. Hence I'll upvote your answer. –
Dormeuse create extension if not exists pgcrypto;
SELECT encode(gen_random_bytes(20),'base64')
or even
SELECT encode(gen_random_bytes(20),'hex')
This is for 20 bytes = 160 bits of randomness (as long as sha1 for example).
select * from md5(to_char(random(), '0.9999999999999999'));
I do not think that you are looking for a random string per se. What you would need for session verification is a string that is guaranteed to be unique. Do you store session verification information for auditing? In that case you need the string to be unique between sessions. I know of two, rather simple approaches:
- Use a sequence. Good for use on a single database.
- Use an UUID. Universally unique, so good on distributed environments too.
UUIDs are guaranteed to be unique by virtue of their algorithm for generation; effectively it is extremely unlikely that you will generate two identical numbers on any machine, at any time, ever (note that this is much stronger than on random strings, which have a far smaller periodicity than UUIDs).
You need to load the uuid-ossp extension to use UUIDs. Once installed, call any of the available uuid_generate_vXXX() functions in your SELECT, INSERT or UPDATE calls. The uuid type is a 16-byte numeral, but it also has a string representation.
select encode(decode(md5(random()::text), 'hex')||decode(md5(random()::text), 'hex'), 'base64')
instead of two REPLACE()
s? –
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ness isn't necessary). If it's not what I assume, then my answer needs to be catered to the refined question instead. – Certes