I am using the Fog gem to generate presigned urls. I can do this successfully to get read access to the file. Here's what I do:
fog_s3 = Fog::Storage.new({
:provider => 'AWS',
:aws_access_key_id => key,
:aws_secret_access_key => secret
object_path = 'foo.wav'
expiry = Date.new(2014,2,1).to_time.to_i
url = fog_s3.directories.new(:key => bucket).files.new(:key => object_path).url(expiry,path_style: true)
But this doesn't work when I try to upload the file. Is there a way to specify the http verb so it would be a PUT and not a GET?
EDIT I see a method: put_object_url
which might help. I don't know how access it.
EDIT based upon your suggestion:
It helped - it got me a PUT - not GET. However, I'm still having issues. I added content type:
headers = { "Content-Type" => "audio/wav" }
options = { path_style: true }
object_path = 'foo.wav'
expiry = Date.new(2014,2,1).to_time.to_i
url = fog_s3.put_object_url(bucket,object_path, expiry, headers, options)
but the url does not contain Content-Type
in it. When done from Javascript in HTML I get the Content-Type
in the url and that seems to work. Is this an issue with Fog? or is my header incorrect?