I have a bitmap stored as a BGRA array of bytes. This is the code I've been using to paint the bitmap:
CDC *dispDC = new CDC();
CBitmap *dispBMP = new CBitmap();
dispBMP->CreateCompatibleBitmap(pDC, sourceImage->GetWidth(), sourceImage->GetHeight());
The actual copying of the pixels in the translatedImage
array happens with this:
dispBMP->SetBitmapBits(sourceImage->GetArea() * 4, translatedImage);
Then after some more processing I call pDC->StretchBlt
with dispDC
as the source CDC. This works fine when logged in locally because the display is also set to 32bpp.
Once I log in with Remote Desktop, the display goes to 16bpp and the image is mangled. The culprit is SetBitmapBits
; i.e. for it to work, I have to properly fill translatedImage
with the 16bpp version of what I want to show. Rather than do this myself, I searched the documentation and found SetDIBits
which sounds like it does what I want:
The SetDIBits function sets the pixels in a compatible bitmap (DDB) using the color data found in the specified DIB.
In my case, the DIB is the 32bpp RGBA array, and the DDB is dispBMP
which I create with CreateCompatibleBitmap
So instead of my call to SetBitmapBits
, this is what I did:
ZeroMemory(&info, sizeof(BITMAPINFO));
info.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
info.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
info.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
info.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
info.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = sourceImage->GetArea()*4;
info.bmiHeader.biWidth = sourceImage->GetWidth();
info.bmiHeader.biHeight = sourceImage->GetHeight();
info.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
int r = SetDIBits(pDC->GetSafeHdc(), (HBITMAP)dispBMP,
0, sourceImage->GetHeight(), translatedImage,
However, r
is always zero and, naturally, I get nothing but black in my window. What is wrong with the code?
, when you log in with Remote Desktop? For example, is it true, thatdispBMP!=NULL
in this case? – Shocking