I am trying Create a signed URL with gsutil . following is the command $ gsutil signurl -d 10m path/to/privatekey.p12 gs://bucket/foo
mentioned in site https://developers.google.com/storage/docs/accesscontrol
I also issued a same like command with my bucket name and object as below
gsutil signurl -d 10m C:\Users\Desktop\javascript\service\4e263da.p12 gs://code-sample/File1
but i got following error
"signurl command requires the pyopenssl library try pip install pyopenssl or easy_install pyopenssl"
.So,i installed PyOpenSSL for window from here
https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyOpenSSL/0.13 .My python version is 2.6.Still i am getting same error in running the command. So my question why command signurl is still not recognized after i installed pyopenssl in gsutil
import OpenSSL
? – Vd