We captured a 3d Image using Kinect with OpenNI Library and got the rgb and depth images in the form of OpenCV Mat using this code.
puts( "Kinect initialization..." );
Device device;
if ( device.open( openni::ANY_DEVICE ) != 0 )
puts( "Kinect not found !" );
return -1;
puts( "Kinect opened" );
VideoStream depth, color;
color.create( device, SENSOR_COLOR );
puts( "Camera ok" );
depth.create( device, SENSOR_DEPTH );
puts( "Depth sensor ok" );
VideoMode paramvideo;
paramvideo.setResolution( 640, 480 );
paramvideo.setFps( 30 );
paramvideo.setPixelFormat( PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH_100_UM );
depth.setVideoMode( paramvideo );
paramvideo.setPixelFormat( PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB888 );
color.setVideoMode( paramvideo );
puts( "Réglages des flux vidéos ok" );
// If the depth/color synchronisation is not necessary, start is faster :
//device.setDepthColorSyncEnabled( false );
// Otherwise, the streams can be synchronized with a reception in the order of our choice :
device.setDepthColorSyncEnabled( true );
device.setImageRegistrationMode( openni::IMAGE_REGISTRATION_DEPTH_TO_COLOR );
VideoStream** stream = new VideoStream*[2];
stream[0] = &depth;
stream[1] = &color;
puts( "Kinect initialization completed" );
if ( device.getSensorInfo( SENSOR_DEPTH ) != NULL )
VideoFrameRef depthFrame, colorFrame;
cv::Mat colorcv( cv::Size( 640, 480 ), CV_8UC3, NULL );
cv::Mat depthcv( cv::Size( 640, 480 ), CV_16UC1, NULL );
cv::namedWindow( "RGB", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
cv::namedWindow( "Depth", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
int changedIndex;
while( device.isValid() )
OpenNI::waitForAnyStream( stream, 2, &changedIndex );
switch ( changedIndex )
case 0:
depth.readFrame( &depthFrame );
if ( depthFrame.isValid() )
depthcv.data = (uchar*) depthFrame.getData();
cv::imshow( "Depth", depthcv );
case 1:
color.readFrame( &colorFrame );
if ( colorFrame.isValid() )
colorcv.data = (uchar*) colorFrame.getData();
cv::cvtColor( colorcv, colorcv, CV_BGR2RGB );
cv::imshow( "RGB", colorcv );
puts( "Error retrieving a stream" );
cv::waitKey( 1 );
cv::destroyWindow( "RGB" );
cv::destroyWindow( "Depth" );
We added some code to above and got the RGB and depth Mat from that and the we processed RGB using OpenCV.
Now we need to display that image in 3D.
We are using :-
1) Windows 8 x64
2) Visual Studio 2012 x64
3) OpenCV 2.4.10
4) OpenNI
5) Kinect1
6) Kinect SDK 1.8.0
Questions :-
1) Can we directly display this Image using OpenCV OR we need any external libraries ??
2) If we need to use external Libraries which one is better for this simple task OpenGL, PCL Or any other ??
3) Does PCL support Visual Studio 12 and OpenNI2 and Since PCL comes packed with other version of OpenNI does these two versions conflict??