For comparison purposes, in Axibase Time-Series Database you can store temperature as a metric and sensor id as entity name. ATSD schema has a notion of entity which is the name of system for which the data is being collected. The advantage is more compact storage and the ability to define tags for entities themselves, for example sensor location, sensor type etc. This way you can filter and group results not just by sensor id but also by sensor tags.
To give you an example, in this blog article 0601911 stands for entity id - which is EPA station id. This station collects several environmental metrics and at the same time is described with multiple tags in the database:
The bottom line is that you don't have to stage a second database, typically a relational one, just to store extended information about sensors, servers etc. for advanced reporting.
UPDATE 1: Sample network command:
series e:sensor-001 d:2015-08-03T00:00:00Z m:temperature=42.2 m:humidity=72 m:precipitation=44.3
Tags that describe sensor-001 such as location, type, etc are stored separately, minimizing storage footprint and speeding up queries. If you're collecting energy/power metrics you often have to specify attributes to series such as Status because data may not come clean/verified. You can use series tags for this purpose.
series e:sensor-001 d:2015-08-03T00:00:00Z m:temperature=42.2 ... t:status=Provisional